Bridging the Gap Between Esports Enthusiasts and the Physical Realm – Esports – iGB
As the globe reemerges from the recent health crisis, individuals are resuming their regular routines and businesses are seeking outdoor promotional strategies to showcase their offerings to the public.
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Connecting Esports Fans Beyond the Digital World
By: Josh Walfish
There’s positive news for those aiming to reach devoted esports enthusiasts, these passionate consumers are among the most responsive to outdoor (OOH) advertising techniques, according to a YouGov poll.
In the UK and the US, ardent esports fans are more likely than the average adult to both perceive and interact with OOH advertising. YouGov questioned study participants about their experiences encountering ads on public transportation (buses, trains, and airports) and discovered that esports fans were twice as likely as the average adult to notice the ads.
In the same research, YouGov learned that nearly 70% of avid US esports fans would investigate a product after witnessing it on a billboard or poster. Over 60% of US respondents also indicated they would discuss what they saw on these OOH ads with friends and family.
Examining the Data
The most noteworthy aspect of this data is that it applies to younger age groups and generations that are more connected to technology.
Esports enthusiasts, ranging in age from 18 to 34, are more prone to noticing and engaging with outdoor advertising compared to the general public. This is encouraging news for those who might be targeting youthful gamers, as they may be worried about diminishing returns on digital advertising.
Specifically for sports wagering firms, there are several positive deductions to be made from this information. Nearly 70% of esports fans between the ages of 18 and 34 will search for a product on their mobile device after seeing a billboard, indicating that these outdoor advertisements can lead to betting interest almost instantly. This pattern exists across the entire esports fan base, opening the door for a variety of marketing strategies to connect with this emerging betting market.
**Insights from the Information**
The most immediate insight from this information is that sports wagering companies should post posters and billboards around events. As online sports betting becomes legal in more states across the US, sports wagering companies must capitalize on the conversion rate of esports enthusiasts. As we’ve observed in traditional sports, being able to place a bet on the event you’re attending can enhance the experience.
Sports wagering companies should pay particular attention to public transportation in the cities where events are held, connecting with bettors and fans who may not have tickets.
Enthusiasts who are consistently reminded of esports competitions and wagering choices as they depart from underground train stations and bus terminals will undoubtedly draw in a larger audience, ultimately generating increased revenue for sports betting enterprises.
This information clearly indicates that sports betting companies must adopt a diverse approach to their marketing strategies. In our contemporary society, which heavily relies on technological advancements, it is easy to become complacent by solely attracting viewers through digital advertising. However, this data provides compelling evidence of the effectiveness of outdoor advertising, which can ignite interest in products through word-of-mouth, thereby enhancing the value of these more traditional advertising methods.
It’s not simply about 70% of esports enthusiasts investigating products after encountering billboards or posters. Sports betting companies must also capitalize on the fact that over 60% of fans discuss what they observe with their loved ones and acquaintances, effectively amplifying the message beyond any other marketing technique. This is an invaluable tool that cannot be disregarded and should be refined to facilitate the growth of esports sports betting.
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